
Vacinas? Aprenda inglês com estes 10 erros no texto sobre o tema

Professores de inglês colocaram 10 erros comuns entre estudantes da língua em texto. Você consegue vencer esse desafio?

 (Javier Zayas Photography/Getty Images)

(Javier Zayas Photography/Getty Images)

Luísa Granato

Luísa Granato

Publicado em 13 de janeiro de 2021 às 18h38.

Última atualização em 13 de janeiro de 2021 às 18h43.

Enquanto esperamos pela vacina no Brasil, vamos aprender alguns termos em inglês sobre o tema, a partir de notícias sobre as vacinas no mundo?

Mas fique atento!  Os professores da Companhia de Idiomas colocaram propositalmente dez errinhos no artigo da Bloomberg, para você identificar.  Confira no final se conseguiu encontrar todos eles.

More Than 12.3 Million Shoots Given

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has now being cleared for use across North America, Europe and the Middle East, and vaccination campaigns have began in at least 30 countries.

That shot and the vaccine from Moderna were both found to reduce coronavirus infections by 95% in trials of tens of thousands of volunters.

A vaccine by AstraZeneca Plc and University of Oxford got it´s first major authorization, by the U.K., on Dec. 30. China has also cleared Sinopharm’s vaccine for general use, with the goal of vaccinating 50 million people there by early February.

Another countries got a head start on vaccinations. China and Russia authorized their own shots in July and August, before they’d been fully test.

Desperate for relieve from the worse pandemic in a century, countries have struck deals to secure vaccine access. By our count, 8.25 billion doses have already been set aside.

AstraZeneca’s two-doses shot is the early leader, with pre-purchase agreements that would cover 1.46 billion people—more then twice as many as any other candidate. In total, Bloomberg has identified more than 90 agreements.

Frases corretas: 

More Than 12.3 Million Shots Given

Shots:  the amount of a drug that is put into the body by a single injection (one of the meanings) 

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has now been cleared for use across North America, Europe and the Middle East, and vaccination campaigns have begun in at least 30 countries.

I have been / It has been

To begin/began/begun   I Have begun /  He has begun

That shot and the vaccine from Moderna were both found to reduce coronavirus infections by 95% in trials of tens of thousands of volunteers.

A vaccine by AstraZeneca Plc and University of Oxford got its first major authorization

my authorization/ his authorization/ its authorization

Other countries got a head start on vaccinations. China and Russia authorized their own shots in July and August, before they’d been fully tested. 

Another country, other countries. 

They had been tested / I had been tested

Desperate for relief from the worst pandemic in a century, countries have struck deals to secure vaccine access. By our count, 8.25 billion doses have already been set aside.

to relieve (verb)  / relief (noun) 

worse than something (comparative) /   the worst pandemic (superlative) 

AstraZeneca’s two-dose shot is the early leader, with pre-purchase agreements that would cover 1.46 billion people—more than twice as many as any other candidate. In total, Bloomberg has identified more than 90 agreements.

two-dose (singular because it is an adjective for the noun “shot”) 


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