
Quer se tornar um lifelong learner? Comece com esta dica de inglês

Continuar estudando fora da sala de aula é um dos atributos essenciais para quem quer acompanhar o mundo atual

 (The Good Brigade/Getty Images)

(The Good Brigade/Getty Images)


Da Redação

Publicado em 9 de outubro de 2019 às 15h00.

Última atualização em 9 de outubro de 2019 às 15h00.

Você é um lifelong learner? Bom, se você está lendo esta dica de inglês, provavelmente é sim! Continuar estudando fora da sala de aula é um dos atributos essenciais para qualquer pessoa, visto que hoje as coisas mudam com uma velocidade extremamente rápida.

A postura constante de aprendiz, atualizar-se e manter-se aberto a novas lições, mesmo que elas mudem aquilo que você já sabia, são imprescindíveis e devem se tornar um hábito. Por isso, pratique seu inglês com o exercício abaixo lendo estas 10 dicas para se tornar um lifelong learner.

EXERCISE: Match the 10 tips below with the corresponding paragraphs.

  • Start your own project
  • Find a job that encourages learning and collaboration
  • Teach others
  • Experiment with new ways to learn
  • Read widely and often
  • Keep a list of things you want to explore
  • Make it a priority
  • Use a personal learning environment
  • Keep smart company
  • Join a study group

1. ???

Buy newspapers, search for things online you want to know more about, ask your friends for books they found helpful; above all else, be curious. If you want to find research on a topic, use Google Scholar to find academic research. Delve into a topic and don’t stop until you have exhausted it!

2. ???

Reach out to contacts that you admire. Get talking to some influencers on Twitter and organize to meet up to explore some ideas and learning topics. Make sure to keep in touch with people you have come into contact with who have inspired you to learn on your journey.

3. ???

You don’t need to join the teaching profession to help people learn. Teaching others what you know will also help ensure that you really understand something; it’s a real test of your knowledge.


This is a good way to help you get started. Before you jump right into an area, spend some time researching topics and keeping notes. Once you have developed a list then you can decide what the best option to follow for you is.

5. ???

If you’re a teacher, encourage students to plan out their own projects starting with goals and objectives. This will help them to cultivate an idea of how they would be able to follow this process in the future which could be applied to various scenarios.

6. ???

Understanding how to learn is an invaluable skill. Using personal learning environments such as can help you adopt proven learning techniques which students can use throughout their journey to discovering new knowledge.

7. ???

Trying a variety of ways to learn will help you to find the way that sticks. Drawing diagrams, watching documentaries, creating mind maps and using music to study are some alternative ways students can approach learning.

8. ???

Find virtual study groups online where you can collaborate and learn from people with varying experiences. Take insight on board from a variety of sources and apply it to your own knowledge search.

9. ???

Most professional roles include some degree of learning whether it’s on the job training, workshops or other educational encouragement. Pursuing a career in an evolving area will ensure that you are constantly learning and developing your skillset.

10. ???

Don’t just keep saying ‘one day’. Make today that day. Whether you’re a teacher, student, professional or other – make learning a priority in your life. If you wait for it to find you, you will limit the amount of information you know plus your ability to attain this knowledge over the long-term.

It may even help to understand the characteristics of lifelong learning, including curiosity, skepticism, creativity, initiative, perseverance, and “perfectionism,” among other habits.


1. Read widely and often

2. Keep smart company

3. Teach others

4. Keep a list of things you want to explore

5. Start your own project

6. Use a personal learning environment

7. Experiment with new ways to learn

8. Join a study group

9. Find a job that encourages learning and collaboration

10. Make it a priority


Michel Rosas é professor de inglês e gerente de marketing na Companhia de Idiomas.

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