
Quer melhorar seu home office e seu inglês? Veja estas dicas

Fundadora da Companhia de Idiomas dá dicas para melhorar o home office e ainda ensina novas palavras em inglês

 (Tom Werner/Getty Images)

(Tom Werner/Getty Images)

Luísa Granato

Luísa Granato

Publicado em 31 de março de 2021 às 15h43.

Última atualização em 31 de março de 2021 às 15h47.

Você sabe que “trabalhar de casa” não é um conceito novo, né? Costureiras, mecânicos, sapateiros… antes da Revolução Industrial, todos trabalhavam de casa.

No início do século 20, com energia elétrica e transporte público, muita gente foi trabalhar nas indústrias e escritórios que surgiam. E agora estamos de volta, usando o termo ”home office”, ou até “anywhere office”.

Vamos continuar essa conversa em inglês? A ideia hoje é aprender seis palavras novas, enquanto você lê algumas percepções e dicas sobre como liderar times remotos. Depois tem uma atividade para você completar as frases com as palavras que aprendeu.

Primeiro, duas percepções:

“What this means is that the current situation, then, is not “the new normal” as is being touted. It’s the old normal coming back around.”

to tout: to advertise, talk about, or praise something/someone repeatedly, especially as a way of encouraging people to like, accept, or buy something

“Even this new bout of remote working isn’t that new. IBM, a recognized early adopter, installed remote terminals in employees’ homes in the 1980s. By 2009, 40% of IBM’s global employees worked from home, once again highlighting the influential role of technology.”

bout: a short period of illness or involvement in an activity.

early adopter: someone who is one of the first people to start using a new product, especially a new piece of technology

Vamos às dicas?

1. Surround yourself with the right people

“Let’s face it, working in a virtual team is not for everyone. Just as some individuals thrive in an office environment, others will take a shine to remote working. Members of a virtual team need to have exceptional communication skills, the ability to work independently and technology capabilities. Like any job, a sense of humor helps, too.”

to thrive: to grow, develop, or be successful

2. Choose your technology wisely

“There are a plethora of remote working tools on the market. There are apps for time management, document sharing, project management, HR, meeting schedules. The list goes on. It’s important to remember that these tools are just that ¬– tools to enable work. If your virtual team struggles to use a tool, it may not be the right one for you. Once you find the technology balance, your virtual team's communication and workflow should be smooth and productive.”

plethora: a very large amount of something, especially a larger amount than you need, want, or can deal with. Synonym: profusion

to struggle: to experience difficulty and make a very great effort in order to do something

Agora, complete as frases abaixo com as palavras que aprendeu: 

 to tout / bout / early adopter / to thrive/ plethora / to struggle

  1. The dog had been ____________to get free of the wire noose.
  2. He is being  widely ___________ as the next leader of the party.
  3. I've been __________ to understand this article all afternoon.
  4. His business _____________in the years before the war.
  5. A local car dealership was ________ its services on the radio.
  6. There's a _________ of books about the royal family.
  7. Lucic was an________, buying one of the first iPods in 2001.
  8. The _________ of regulations is both contradictory and confusing.
  9. The minister has been __________ these ideas for some time.
  10. He suffered from periodic _________ of insanity.


  1. The dog had been struggling to get free of the wire noose.
  2. He is being   widely touted as the next leader of the party.  
  3. I've been struggling to understand this article all afternoon.
  4. His business thrived in the years before the war.
  5. A local car dealership was touting its services/wares on the radio.
  6. There's a plethora of books about the royal family.
  7. Lucic was an early adopter, buying one of the first iPods in 2001.
  8. The plethora of regulations is both contradictory and confusing.
  9. The minister has been touting these ideas for some time.
  10. He suffered from periodic bouts of insanity.

Quer mais dicas sobre como liderar times remotos, e ainda aprender inglês? Acompanhe essa coluna, em breve teremos mais!

Fontes: Entrepreneur 

E se você está sentindo que pode ficar obsoleto, diante de tantas inovações, a Companhia de Idiomas/Verbify começa um curso em português, exatamente sobre isso: Pertencimento, Obsolescência, F.O.M.O. e J.O.M.O. Veja mais aqui.

Rosangela Souza (ou Rose Souza) é fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas, coautora do Guia para Programas de Idiomas em empresas, e também sócia da Pousada Pé da Mata, em Maresias, onde vive.

Graduada em letras/tradução/interpretação pela Unibero, especialista em gestão empresarial, com MBA pela FGV e pós-MBA pela FIA/FEA/USP, com cursos nos EUA. Ex-professora na pós-graduação ADM da FGV. Colunista dos portais Catho, Vagas, AboutMe e Quer falar com ela? ou pelo Skype rose.f.souza

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