
Esta lição de inglês dá para aprender vendo filmes de Natal na Netflix

Neste Natal, aproveite as recomendações de filmes da Netflix para aprender inglês e melhorar seu vocabulário na língua

Grinch: quem não gosta de um clássico de Natal? (Arquivo/Getty Images)

Grinch: quem não gosta de um clássico de Natal? (Arquivo/Getty Images)

Luísa Granato

Luísa Granato

Publicado em 24 de dezembro de 2018 às 12h00.

Última atualização em 24 de dezembro de 2018 às 12h00.

São Paulo - Para você relaxar nestes dias de festas, e nunca parar de aprender inglês, hoje trouxemos uma lista de filmes de Natal que estão no Netflix.  Em cada descrição de filme abaixo, há dois erros propositais, para você tentar corrigir. Tem também a definição de uma palavra, para você ampliar seu vocabulário.


This Netflix-produced rom-com follows an American journalist which shadows the playboy prince of Aldovia (and, naturaly, falls in love at Christmas time).

rom-com: abbreviation for romantic comedy

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This Netflix-produced rom-com follows an American journalist who shadows the playboy prince of Aldovia (and, naturally, falls in love at Christmas time).


The royal-themed yuletide romancing continues with this sequel, which—as you might have guess—sees this Christmas love birds saying "I do" for the holidays.

yuletide: the period around Christmas

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The royal-themed yuletide romancing continues with this sequel, which—as you might have guessed—sees these Christmas love birds saying "I do" for the holidays.


The heiress from a gift company has to travel to her father's hometown to deliver a special Christmas card to his former partner. When she's stranded there in a snow storm, she discovers she fits right into the small-town life more than she ever expected.

inheritance: money, land, or possessions received from someone after someone else has died

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The heiress to a gift company has to travel to her father's hometown to deliver a special Christmas card to his former partner. When she's stranded there on a snow storm, she discovers she fits right into the small-town life more than she ever expected.


This modern classic, writen and directed by Richard Curtis, follows a bunch of Londoners—all connected in various ways—as they stumble through the holiday season in search of love and afection.

to stumble: to walk in a way that does not seem controlled

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This modern classic, written and directed by Richard Curtis, follows a bunch of Londoners—all connected in various ways—as they stumble through the holiday season in search of love and affection.


Dr. Seuss's Christmas classical comes to life with this live-action adaptation from Ron Howard. It may be glossy and over-produced and star-studded, but it has still the original tale's grit and bite.

star-studded: If a group of people, a film or a show is star-studded, there are a lot of famous people in it.

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Dr. Seuss's Christmas classic comes to life with this live-action adaptation from Ron Howard. It may be glossy and over-produced and star-studded, but it still has the original tale's grit and bite.


Acompanhe tudo sobre:FilmesInglêsNatalNetflix

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