
Aprenda 7 palavras novas em inglês com séries da Netflix

Que tal aprender com as suas séries favoritas? Confira um exercício preparado pela professora de inglês Rosângela Souza, diretora da Companhia de Idiomas

Oranges is the New Black (Facebook/Oranges is the New Black/Reprodução)

Oranges is the New Black (Facebook/Oranges is the New Black/Reprodução)


Da Redação

Publicado em 16 de agosto de 2017 às 12h45.

Última atualização em 16 de agosto de 2017 às 12h45.

Uma das melhores formas de aprender qualquer coisa é com a diversão. Por isso, muitos estudantes de inglês se valem de uma “ajudinha” do entretenimento: eles assistem a séries e filmes estrangeiros para desenvolverem suas habilidades com o idioma.

Que tal fazer um exercício que misture vocabulário e Netflix? A seguir, leia a sinopse em inglês de 7 séries da plataforma, tente adivinhar a qual título estamos nos referindo, e aprenda uma palavra nova em cada uma delas. Boa diversão!

1. Convicted of a decade old crime of transporting drug money to an ex-girlfriend, normally law abiding woman is sentenced to a year and a half behind bars to face the reality of how life changing prison can really be.

Vocabulário:  law abiding  (obedient to the laws of society - "a law-abiding citizen") 

Qual a série?  ______________


2. A group of people around the world are suddenly linked mentally, and must find a way to survive being hunted by those who see them as a threat to the world's order.

Vocabulário:  threat  (a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger;  a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done. ‘members of her family have received death threats’) 

Qual a série?  ______________


3. She's a caring therapist. A loving wife and mom. And a thrill-seeker caught in the grip of twisted fantasies.

Vocabulário: thrill-seeker  (a person who is keen to take part in exciting activities that involve physical risk.‘thrill seekers are paying big bucks to swim with great white sharks’) 

Qual a série?  ______________ 


 4. A Chicago-based financial advisor secretly relocates his family to Missouri when his dealings with a drug cartel go awry. 

Vocabulário: to go awry (to go away from the usual or expected course)

 Qual a série?  ______________


5. A low-level Cabinet member becomes President of the United States after a catastrophic attack kills everyone above him, in the Presidential line of succession.

Vocabulário:  cabinet (in the US - a body of advisers to the president, composed of the heads of the executive departments of the government)

Qual a série? ______________


6. A docuseries about the unsolved murder of a nun and the horrific secrets and pain that linger nearly five decades after her death

Vocabulário: docuseries   (a television series that follows a particular person or group of people and their involvement in real events and situations over a period of time: "a docuseries about the New York City Ballet")   /   to linger   (spend a long time over (something). Stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave: '’she lingered in the yard, enjoying the warm sunshine"

Qual a série?   ______________


7. Oscar-winning filmmaker Vanessa Roth follows a group or rural India's most disadvantaged children over the course of seven years. Five girls from India's most impoverished families attend a boarding school designed to create opportunities as they strive for a better future.

Vocabulário:  to impoverish (to make a person or area poor.  The war had impoverished him’)

Qual a série? ______________



  1. Orange is the New Black
  2. Sense8
  3. Gypsy
  4. Ozark
  5. Designated Survivor
  6. The Keepers
  7. Daughters of Destiny


 English Oxford Living Dictionaries



Rosangela Souza é fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e da ProfCerto. Também é professora de técnicas de comunicação, gestão de pessoas e estratégia no curso de Pós-Graduação ADM da Fundação Getúlio Vargas.

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