
4 lições para aprender inglês assistindo à série Big Little Lies

Fundadora da Companhia de Idiomas mostra como explorar vocabulário e gramática do inglês usando a série da HBO

Big Little Lies, da HBO (HBO/Divulgação)

Big Little Lies, da HBO (HBO/Divulgação)

Luísa Granato

Luísa Granato

Publicado em 7 de outubro de 2020 às 19h49.

A série Big Little Lies do canal HBO tem duas temporadas inspiradas no livro de Liane Moriarty. Com um elenco principal talentoso e muito conhecido, Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Shailene Woodley, Laura Dern e Zoë Kravitz, o seriado aborda, entre vários temas, a violência contra a mulher. É uma pauta super atual.

Big Little Lies nasceu, em 2017, como uma série limitada, que teria apenas uma única temporada. Porém, o sucesso da produção abriu caminho para a segunda temporada, a qual ganhou o reforço de Meryl Streep.

Então, vamos explorar vocabulário e gramática do inglês com alguns comentários sobre os três primeiros episódios da primeira temporada e também uma das músicas da trilha sonora, outro ponto alto da série.


Choose the best option to fill in the blanks:

( ) Critics ( ) criticals ( ) criticism and ( ) audiences ( ) publics could not stop ( ) to talk ( ) talking about Big Little Lies. The locations, the music, the performances — everything was up for review. Want to dig in deeper while you watch? Check out this short guide of selected articles and interviews for some episodes.

Episode 1: Somebody’s Dead
The beach, the houses, the lavishness: You have to see it to believe it.

There ( ) are ( ) is dream homes, and then there ( ) are ( ) is fantasy homes. The houses featured in Big Little Lies are above and beyond, to the point some critics labeled the series as “real estate porn.” The glamor is ( ) indeniable ( ) undeniable, but each house also tells you what you need to know about the protagonists from the start. (…)

Episode 2: Serious Mothering
Now that we’ve had introductions, let’s really get into it.

Following Orientation Day, lines are drawn, and hostility is creeping outside of the school and into the community. (…) “These women are so strong and formidable and complicated that it ( ) wouldn’t ( ) won’t be believable if they didn’t have some complicated and smart men in their ( ) lives ( ) lifes, as well,” Kelley said about ( ) to tell ( ) telling their stories without ( ) to relegate ( ) relegating ( ) relegate the men to the background.

Episode 3: Living the Dream
Sometimes life is touch and go.

What’s that saying? The straw that breaks the camel’s back? Sometimes it’s the smallest thing — like a family tree project — that can set you off, and ( ) other ( ) another ( ) others times you can ( ) bare ( ) bear ( ) beer the biggest load without blinking an eye. (…)



Write down about the series using the following words:



Listen to the song from Big Little Lies playlist and fill in the blanks with the missing verbs:

Charles Bradley

I _______ unhappy
I ________ so sad
I ________ the best friend
That I ever _____________
She _________ my woman
I _________ her so
But it's too late now
I ______ her go
I ________ through changes (repeat)

We _______ the years
We _______ each day
In love together
We _______ a way
But soon the world
_______ its evil way
My heart ______ blinded
Love ______ astray
I _________ through changes (repeat)

It _______ so long
To realize
That I can still ______ her
Last goodbyes
Now all my days
____ ______ with tears
Wish I could ____ back
And ______ these years
I _______ through changes (repeat)
In my life, in my life,
There gotta be a change in my life
These little changes, in my life

Confira a playlist de Big Little Lies no Spotify.


Discuss these questions with a friend

How do you face changes in your life?
What was the most difficult change you had to deal with?
What do you need to change in your professional life?
Which behavior do you think you’d better change? Why?
Do you try to change other people you know? How do you do that?



Critics and audiences could not stop talking about Big Little Lies. The locations, the music, the performances — everything was up for review. Want to dig in deeper while you watch? Check out this short guide of selected articles and interviews for some episodes.

Episode 1: Somebody’s Dead
The beach, the houses, the lavishness: You have to see it to believe it.

There are dream homes, and then there are fantasy homes. The houses featured in Big Little Lies are above and beyond, to the point some critics labeled the series as “real estate porn.” The glamour is undeniable, but each house also tells you what you need to know about the protagonists from the start. (…)

Episode 2: Serious Mothering
Now that we’ve had introductions, let’s really get into it.

Following Orientation Day, lines are drawn, and hostility is creeping outside of the school and into the community. (…) “These women are so strong and formidable and complicated that it wouldn’t be believable if they didn’t have some complicated and smart men in their lives, as well,” Kelley said about telling their stories without relegating the men to the background.

Episode 3: Living the Dream
Sometimes life is touch and go.
What’s that saying? The straw that breaks the camel’s back? Sometimes it’s the smallest thing — like a family tree project — that can set you off, and other times you can bear the biggest load without blinking an eye. (…)

Charles Bradley

I feel unhappy
I feel so sad
I lost the best friend
That I ever had
She was my woman
I loved her so
But it's too late now
I've let her go
I'm going through changes
I'm going through Changes (in my life)
We shared the years
We shared each day
In love together
We found a way
But soon the world
Had its evil way
My heart was blinded
Love went astray
I'm going through changes
I'm going through Changes (in my life)
It took so long
To realize
That I can still hear her
Last goodbyes
Now all my days
Are filled with tears
Wish I could go back
And change these years
I'm going through changes
I'm going through changes,
In my life, in my life,
There gotta be a change in my life
These little changes, in my life

Aprender inglês com músicas, filmes e séries traz leveza e diversão para o aprendizado de vocabulário e gramática de inglês. Veja alguns cursos.

Lígia Velozo Crispino, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas. Graduada em Letras e Tradução pela Unibero. Curso de Business English em Boston pela ELC e extensões na área de Marketing na ESPM, FGV e Insper. Coautora do Guia de Implantação de Programas de Idiomas em empresas e autora do livro de poemas Fora da Linha. Colunista do portal Vagas Profissões. Mobilizadora cultural à frente do Sarau Conversar.
Quer falar comigo? Meu e-mail é e Skype ligiavelozo.

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