
4 exercícios para aprender inglês com The Undoing, da HBO

A minissérie da HBO, lançada em outubro de 2020, é baseada no livro “You Should Have Known” de Jean Hanff Korelitz, pubicado em 2014. É apenas uma temporada com seis episódios, todos se passando em Nova Iorque. Os papéis principais ficam para Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant e Donald Sutherland. É possível aprender vocabulário variado, com […]

 (vladans/Getty Images)

(vladans/Getty Images)

Luísa Granato

Luísa Granato

Publicado em 30 de dezembro de 2020 às 13h00.

A minissérie da HBO, lançada em outubro de 2020, é baseada no livro “You Should Have Known” de Jean Hanff Korelitz, pubicado em 2014. É apenas uma temporada com seis episódios, todos se passando em Nova Iorque. Os papéis principais ficam para Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant e Donald Sutherland.

É possível aprender vocabulário variado, com sotaque bem nova iorquino. A narrativa mostra a vida de um grupo privilegiado da alta sociedade que se mistura com a realidade de uma família de classe média.

Selecionei algumas frases de vídeos sobre a minissérie. A proposta é ler todas elas e depois colocar os números correspondentes aos sinônimos ou definições de cada uma das 9 palavras:

1. Wealth
2. Entitled
3. Threatened
4. Conceal
5. Get away with
6. Ugliness
7. Within
8. Actually
9. Outsider

( ) one who does not belong to
( ) menaced, endangered
( ) inside
( ) in fact, in reality
( ) affluence, the state of being rich
( ) repulsive, hideous
( ) hide
( ) having a title or name
( ) escape, break free

- The Undoing is about self-preservation and protection and how wealth and privilege plays a part of that.

- That is what rich entitled people do when threatened, they conceal the ugly truth to protect themselves and they think they can get away with it because they’re rich.

- You speak of ugliness, you have not yet met ugliness.

- What you think you have and what really is can be so different. You can choose to believe what you wanna believe which so many of us do.

- It’s about a marriage and no matter how long you’ve been together, it can be completely destroyed within a minute.

- That mix of social status just makes it really explosive.

- New York City is another character and has a really important impact on the way the story is told.

- Sylvia: there is a part of her that feels actually a little bit like an outsider and really identifies with Grace. Grace is her only real friend.

- You have always seen things so clearly. How can you not see this now?

Assista ao trailer no link abaixo e procure escrever sobre o que acha que acontece na série:

yt thumbnail

Discuta sua opinião sobre essa frase dita pela advogada de defesa com um colega ou seu professor de inglês:

“That is what rich entitled people do when threatened, they conceal the ugly truth to protect themselves and they think they can get away with it because they’re rich.”

Abaixo temos a sinopse em inglês. Insira as palavras abaixo nos espaços em branco:

  • Dismantle
  • Chain
  • heed
  • chasm
  • spreading                                                                

Grace Fraser is living the only life she ever wanted for herself. She's a successful therapist, has a devoted husband and young son who attends an elite private school in New York City. Overnight a ________ opens in her life: a violent death, a missing husband, and, in the place of a man Grace thought she knew, only a _______ of terrible revelations. Left behind in the wake of a __________ and very public disaster and horrified by the ways in which she has failed to __________ her own advice, Grace must ___________ one life and create another for her child and herself. (Fahad Riaz)


1. Wealth = affluence, the state of being rich
2. Entitled = having a title or name
3. Threatened = menaced, endangered
4. Conceal = hide
5. Get away with = escape, break free
6. Ugliness = repulsive, hideous
7. Within = inside
8. Actually = in fact, in reality
9. Outsider = one who does not belong to

Grace Fraser is living the only life she ever wanted for herself. She's a successful therapist, has a devoted husband and young son who attends an elite private school in New York City. Overnight a chasm opens in her life: a violent death, a missing husband, and, in the place of a man Grace thought she knew, only a chain of terrible revelations. Left behind in the wake of a spreading and very public disaster and horrified by the ways in which she has failed to heed her own advice, Grace must dismantle one life and create another for her child and herself. (Fahad Riaz)

Lígia Velozo Crispino, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas. Graduada em Letras e Tradução pela Unibero. Curso de Business English em Boston pela ELC e extensões na área de Marketing na ESPM, FGV e Insper. Coautora do Guia de Implantação de Programas de Idiomas em empresas e autora do livro de poemas Fora da Linha. Colunista do portal Vagas Profissões. Mobilizadora cultural à frente do Sarau Conversar.

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Meu e-mail é e Skype ligiavelozo.

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