Ao menos 14 pessoas morreram e outras 18 ficaram feridas quando um ônibus de transporte público colidiu com uma rocha em uma estrada na região de Tarija, no sul da Bolívia, informaram neste sábado fontes da polícia boliviana.
O acidente ocorreu na noite de sexta-feira, na rodovia que liga Tarija à zona leste de Santa Cruz, próximo à comunidade de Canaletas, disse o diretor departamental de Trânsito de Tarija, José Pacheco.
O motorista perdeu o controle do veículo por motivos que estão sendo investigados, o que fez com que este atravessasse para a faixa contrária e caísse em um penhasco, “inclusive colidindo com uma rocha”, explicou.
A colisão provocou “atrito do lado esquerdo do ônibus com a pedra”, provocando a morte de 14 pessoas e outras 18 feridas, disse Pacheco.
Dos 14 falecidos, “sete foram totalmente identificados” e entre eles está o motorista do veículo.
“Neste momento, o nosso pessoal de Acidentes de Trânsito e o pessoal do Ministério Público estão no necrotério realizando a tarefa de identificação dos corpos”, acrescentou o delegado.
Entre os feridos estão dois menores de idade, um menino de 7 anos e um adolescente de 14, segundo a lista de sobreviventes divulgada pela imprensa local.
O ônibus pertence à empresa de transporte Narváez e tinha como destino Santa Cruz de la Sierra, segundo detalhes da unidade Tarija Transit.
Os acidentes nas estradas bolivianas causam cerca de 1,4 mil mortes e cerca de 40 mil feridos a cada ano, e são principalmente devido a falhas humanas que podem ser evitadas, segundo dados oficiais.
Militar durante mobilização na sede do governo da Bolivia
Military troops are deployed outside the Quemado Palace at the Plaza de Armas in La Paz on June 26, 2024. Bolivian President Luis Arce on Wednesday denounced the unauthorized gathering of soldiers and tanks outside government buildings in the capital La Paz, saying "democracy must be respected." "We denounce irregular mobilizations by some units of the Bolivian Army," Arce wrote on the X social network. Former president Evo Morales wrote on the same medium that "a coup d'état is brewing." (Photo by AIZAR RALDES / AFP)
Militares se concentram na Praça de Armas de La Paz, em frente à sede do governo, nesta quarta, 26
Military troops are deployed outside the Quemado Palace at the Plaza de Armas in La Paz on June 26, 2024. Bolivian President Luis Arce on Wednesday denounced the unauthorized gathering of soldiers and tanks outside government buildings in the capital La Paz, saying "democracy must be respected." "We denounce irregular mobilizations by some units of the Bolivian Army," Arce wrote on the X social network. Former president Evo Morales wrote on the same medium that "a coup d'état is brewing." (Photo by AIZAR RALDES / AFP)
Militares se concentram na Praça de Armas de La Paz, em frente à sede do governo, nesta quarta, 26
Military troops are deployed outside the Quemado Palace at the Plaza de Armas in La Paz on June 26, 2024. Bolivian President Luis Arce on Wednesday denounced the unauthorized gathering of soldiers and tanks outside government buildings in the capital La Paz, saying "democracy must be respected." "We denounce irregular mobilizations by some units of the Bolivian Army," Arce wrote on the X social network. Former president Evo Morales wrote on the same medium that "a coup d'état is brewing." (Photo by AIZAR RALDES / AFP)
Military troops are deployed outside the Quemado Palace at the Plaza de Armas in La Paz on June 26, 2024. Bolivian President Luis Arce on Wednesday denounced the unauthorized gathering of soldiers and tanks outside government buildings in the capital La Paz, saying "democracy must be respected." "We denounce irregular mobilizations by some units of the Bolivian Army," Arce wrote on the X social network. Former president Evo Morales wrote on the same medium that "a coup d'état is brewing." (Photo by AIZAR RALDES / AFP)
A soldier in an armored vehicle is deployed outside the Quemado Palace at the Plaza de Armas in La Paz on June 26, 2024. Bolivian President Luis Arce on Wednesday denounced the unauthorized gathering of soldiers and tanks outside government buildings in the capital La Paz, saying "democracy must be respected." "We denounce irregular mobilizations by some units of the Bolivian Army," Arce wrote on the X social network. Former president Evo Morales wrote on the same medium that "a coup d'état is brewing." (Photo by AIZAR RALDES / AFP)